
Degradation Process of Arable Mollisols

  • 摘要: 利用全区域采样调查方法,结合县市土壤志和第二次土壤普查的结果,从区域尺度分析了东北典型农田黑土的退化过程。结果表明自开垦以来,农田黑土发生了显著退化,土壤有机质下降了60%,处于退化发生、退化发展和退化危机阶段的农田黑土共存。第二次土壤普查至2002年的20 a间,农田黑土有机质仍以年平均5‰的速率下降,水土流失严重的县市年均下降速率高达13.5‰,黑土侵蚀已成为当前黑土退化的主要驱动因素。同时研究也表明如果增加农田投入或实施生态保育,农田黑土退化可以遏制,耕地是可培肥的。


    Abstract: The degradation processes of arable Mollisols in Northeast China was studied by soil survey in whole area combined with the data of soil county annals and the Second National Soil Investigation. The results showed the arable Mollisols in Northeast China was seriously degraded after reclamation. Soil organic matter content decreased 60 percent. The soil degradation can be divided into three degradation phases,and the three degradation phases are coexisting. During the twenty years from the Second National Soil Investigation to 2000,the annual decrease in soil organic matter was five thousandth in Mollisols area,and 13.5 thousandth in the counties seriously eroded by water. Therefore soil erosion is the dominant driving factor of the soil degradation. Meanwhile,it was indicated the soil degradation could be prevented or the soil fertility could be improved by increasing the input to field or ecological protection.


