
Crop Growth and Yield under Wheat-maize Double Cropping System with Double-subsoiling Cover

  • 摘要: 对豫西旱区双深松覆盖下小麦、玉米一年两熟产量、干物质及叶面积进行研究。结果表明:双深松覆盖下小麦和玉米的产量达5 561.5 kg·hm-2、6 428.1 kg·hm-2,分别较传统耕作增产15.9%和7.8%,增产显著。小麦、玉米在成熟期双深松覆盖处理的单株干物质积累量分别较传统耕作高2.95 g、54.6 g。叶面积指数变化均为单峰曲线,其中,小麦LAI变化呈"S"型曲线,玉米LAI呈"抛物线"状。在整个生育期中双深松覆盖处理下小麦、玉米LAI始终大于传统耕作。且在生育后期LAI下降缓慢,能延缓作物叶片衰老,维持较长的叶片功能期,制造更多的同化产物。


    Abstract: Compared with traditional tillage,yield,dry mater and leaf area of double-subsoiling cover (DSC) in wheat-maize double-cropping system were studied in this paper。The results indicated that,yields of wheat and maize with DSC treatment were 5 561 kg·hm-2 and 6 428 kg·hm-2 respectively,which was increased by 15.9% and 7.8%,and showed a significant difference compared with the traditional tillage.Dry matter accumulation of wheat and maize with DSC treatment was increased by 2.95 g and 54.6 g comparing with traditional tillage at the maturing stage,Leaf areas index (LAI) changed as a curve of single-peak,while LAI of wheat is S curve and maize is parabolic curve.Comparing with the traditional tillage,LAI of wheat and maize of DSC was larger in all growth stages. And LAI decreased slowly on later stage,DSC treatment can slow down leaf senescence,lengthen leaf function period,and make more Assimilation product.


