ArcGIS analysis was applied to examine the concentrations and spatial distribution of Pb, Cu and Zn in surface soil(0~20 cm) of corn belt in Dehui——the typical area of Black soil in Jilin province. The average concentration of Pb, Cu and Zn was 35.8 mg·kg
-1, 19.1 mg·kg
-1 and 59.3 mg·kg
-1 respectively, while Pb and Cu concentrations were greater than the background value. Both Pb and Cu fit the strong spatial correlation, which indicated that they were mainly influenced by parent material of the soil, terrain features and many other non-human factors. Owing to human activities, Zn fit weak spatial correlation. In general, the spatial pattern of soil Pb distribution presented the radial high value in southwestern part of the region with sporadic high value in north-central region. The trends for Cu and Zn were similar with higher concentration in southwest, north central, and central south but lower in central Dehui. Slight potential ecological risk of heavy metals Pb, Cu and Zn in Black soil is in progress.