Research on Seedling Spindling Control Measures during Seedling-raising Stage of Sugar Beet
摘要: 为了配合纸筒育苗新技术的实施,以及延长育苗期间的需要,研发防徒长育壮苗技术,进一步挖掘纸筒育苗的增产潜力,采用苗床喷施植物生长调节剂和断根处理两种方式对苗期防徒长技术进行研究。结果表明,甜菜育苗期间喷施植物生长调节剂和断根处理,不仅可以控制幼苗徒长,使幼苗生长健壮,移栽到大田后抗逆能力增强,还有明显的增产作用。钢丝断根+喷施植物生长调节剂处理秧苗素质好,移栽大田后可增加块根产量14.2%。育苗期防徒长技术,使延长育苗期间、早播种、早移栽成为可能,从而为确立高产高糖栽培技术体系提供了有力的技术支持。Abstract: In order to extend seedling-raising duration and further improve sugar beet production, seedling spindling control measures experiment was carried out. Two spindling control practices, i. e. spraying plant growth regulator and root-cutting method were applied in seedbed. The results showed that spraying plant growth regulator and root-cutting method during seedling-raising stage of sugar beet could not only control over growth of seedlings, but also enhance stress tolerance after transplanting to the field. Spraying plant growth regulator combined with root-cutting method could improve seedling quality and increase tuber yield by 14.2% after transplanting to the field. Spindling control measures during seedling-raising stage make it possible to early sowing and early transplanting, thus provide a powerful technical support for low cost, high yield and high sugar content cultivation system.