Responses of Internodes below Ear and Lodging-related Traits to Increased Planting Density in Maize
摘要: 密度增加使玉米倒伏抗性降低。玉米穗下节间某些性状与倒伏抗性之间密切相关。为了研究玉米穗下节间与倒伏抗性相关的性状对密度的响应,以春玉米为对象,考察了低密(4.50×104·hm-2)、中密(6.75×104·hm-2)和高密(9.00×104·hm-2)条件下玉米穗下节间(自茎节基部向上的伸长节间,依次为S1,S2,…)的直径、长度、茎粗系数、节间鲜质量与长度比以及茎节鲜密度在不同生育时期对密度的响应。结果显示,玉米穗下节间直径随着密度的增加逐渐降低。S7-S9随着种植密度的增加其长度出现显著增加的趋势。其它茎节的长度在不同种植密度之间的差别各不相同。灌浆期茎粗系数变化趋势是随着茎节数增加而下降,除S3、S4和S10外,其余各茎节均是随着种植密度的增加茎粗系数逐渐下降。从拔节期到完熟期节间鲜质量与长度比逐渐下降,从低密到高密其数值也下降。茎节鲜密度从拔节期到开花期,其茎节鲜密度升高,从开花期到完熟期则呈现降低趋势,不同密度比较,随着密度升高而升高。Abstract: The population density of maize affects the lodging resistance. Stalk morphological and mechanical properties and lodging resistance are strongly coupled. A field experiment was conducted to investigate the diameter, length, coefficient in diameter internodes, ratio of fresh weight and length of internodes below ear under low density (4.50×104·hm-2), middle density (6.75×104·hm-2) and high density (9.00×104·hm-2). The results showed that the diameter and coefficient in diameter internodes was decreased with increased density, while the length of internodes was increased. The ratio of fresh weight and length of internodes was decreased from joining stage to full ripe stage and it was decreased from low to high density.