
Soil Organic Carbon Content and Maize Yield Affected by Long-term Fertilization in Cinnamon Soil Region of Liaoning Province

  • 摘要: 系统分析了我国辽宁典型褐土区阜新和凌源市2个玉米长期施肥定位试验点的数据资料,研究化肥N、P和有机肥(M)的不同组合(N、NP、M、MN、MNP)及不施肥(CK)各处理下玉米产量变化、产量可持续指数(SYI)及其与土壤有机质的关系。结果显示,M、MN、MNP处理下土壤有机质(SOM)含量比CK、N、NP处理显著增加5.2 g·kg-1~11.1 g·kg-1;各试验点不同施肥下玉米产量差异大,与对照相比,各施肥处理均显著提高玉米产量,其中MNP处理的产量最高(阜新6 757 kg·hm-2、凌源10 467 kg·hm-2),但其与化肥(N、NP)处理间无显著差异;MN和MNP处理的产量可持续性指数(SYI)分别为0.50和0.54,显著高于其他处理(N、NP、M、CK),表明增施有机肥可显著提高作物产量可持续性。施用有机肥下,SOM含量与SYI呈极显著正相关(R2=0.74),表明配合施用有机肥显著提高SOM含量,进而提高玉米产量的可持续性。


    Abstract: We investigated soil organic matter (SOM) content, grain yield of maize and sustainability yield index (SYI) and their relationship in Fuxin and Lingyuan sites of Liaoning province. The treatments included no fertilizer control(CK), nitrogen fertilizer(N), N and phosphorus fertilizers(NP), manure(M), manure and N fertilizer(MN), and manure combined with N and P fertilizers(MNP). Results indicated that SOM content was significantly increased by 5.2 g·kg-1~11.1 g·kg-1 under the organic treatments (M, MN, MNP), compared with the other inorganic treatments (CK, N, NP). The highest maize yield (6 757 kg·hm -2 for Fuxin site and 10 467 kg·hm-2 for Lingyuan site) was observed under the MNP treatment and the lowest one was observed under the CK treatment at the both sites. SYI values were 0.50 and 0.54 under the MN and MNP treatments respectively, both significantly higher than the other treatments. This indicated that organic manure application can enhance sustainability of maize yield. SYI was significantly correlated with SOM content (R2=0.74) under manure application, indicating that the increase in SYI induced by manure application was attributed to the SOM increase.


