
The Spatial Distribution and Main Impact Factor of Gully Erosion in Typical Black Soil Region——A Case Study at Yinlonghe Farm

  • 摘要: 黑土区沟状侵蚀分布广泛,已经严重损毁农田并影响商品粮基地的大型机械化生产作业。在GIS和RS技术支持下,结合地形地貌数据、野外侵蚀沟调查数据,运用GIS的空间分析功能,研究和讨论了黑龙江省引龙河农场侵蚀沟数量、毁地面积、分布规律、以及受自然因素和人为干扰主要影响因子的关系。研究表明:在研究区农地内,单位面积内的侵蚀沟数量、沟壑密度和毁地面积均随着坡度的增大而增多,沟壑密度和毁地面积在分别到达峰值0.19 km·km-2和0.09 hm2·km-2后开始下降;阴坡的沟蚀大于阳坡;自1985年,耕地面积增加达6 000 hm2,增加了26.9%,均来自于草地和林地开垦,分别为3 200 hm2和2 700 hm2,占1985年草地总面积和林地总面积的20%以上。在不同土地利用类型转化为耕地的过程中,草地开垦更易发生土壤侵蚀形成侵蚀沟。


    Abstract: Farmland has been seriously destroyed and restricted machines traffic by gully erosion in the black soil regions in Northeast China. The amounts, densities, area destroyed, their distributions and their driving factors of the gullies formed in the farmland in Yinlonghe State Farm of Heilongjiang province were studied by GIS and RS technologies combined with topography data and field survey. The results showed the amounts, densities and area destroyed of gullies in farmland increased with slope steepness. The densities and area destroyed of gullies decreased when they reached 0.19 km·km-2 and 936.5 m2·km-2, respectively. The gullies located in the shady side were much more than those in the other side. The area of farmland increased 6 000 hm2 from the year of 1985 to 2010, 3 200 hm2 from grassland, and other 2 700 hm2 from forest land, about 20 percent of the total area of grassland and forest land. Compared the gullies in the farmland from grassland to forestry, more gullies were found in the former.


