
Review of Stable Isotope Technique in Grassland Nitrogen Cycling Study

  • 摘要: 稳定性同位素标记技术在生态学的诸多研究领域中有着广泛应用,其中15N标记技术在草地生态系统氮素循环研究中发挥了重要作用。本文综述了15N标记技术在国内外草地生态系统中生物固氮、氮肥的去向和利用、氮素在土壤中的转化以及氮素损失方面的研究现状及进展,并对存在的问题和前景进行了分析和展望,为更好的利用氮肥、充分发挥草地生产潜力提供理论依据。


    Abstract: The stable isotope techniques (SIT) have been widely used in ecological research in which the 15N technique is the most effective in the research area of grassland nitrogen cycle.This paper reviewed research status and progresses for the 15N technique in the N biological fixation,fate and use efficiency,transformations and nitrogen loss in grassland ecosystem.And also addressed the problems and prospects in these studies,provide theoretical basis for the future researches to make better use of nitrogen and improve the grassland production.


