
Effect of Planting Density on Water Content of Stalk and Root in Spring Maize

  • 摘要: 种植密度增加有利于提高玉米产量,但也增加了群体水分的竞争。为了研究玉米穗下节间和根系水分状况对密度的响应,文章以春玉米为对象,在低密(4.50万株·hm-2)、中密(6.75万株·hm-2)和高密(9.00万株·hm-2)条件下测定玉米茎秆和根系水分状况。结果显示在生育前期,茎秆含水量受密度影响较小,而生育后期其茎秆含水量受密度影响较大。根系中的第一至第四层节根的含水量均值密度影响较小,而第五至第七层节根的含水量受密度影响较大,且中密条件下最高,其次是高密,低密条件下最低。而第一至第四层节根的相对含水量以低密条件下最高,中密次之,高密条件下最低;而第五至第七层节根相对含水量以中密条件下为最高,其次为低密,高密条件下最低。


    Abstract: Competition is increased for water sources with the increase of planting density in maize. This study investigates the effect of planting density on the water content of stalk and root. A field experiment based on a spring maize variety and three planting densities (LD:4.50×104 plant·hm-2,MD:6.75×104 plant·hm-2 and HD:9.00×104 plant·hm-2) was carried out. The result showed that there was a minor effect from planting densities on the water content of stalk in earlier stages,whereas there was a greater effect of planting densities on the water content of stalk in later stages. The average water content of nodal root from the 5th to 7th layers under MD took the first place,which under HD took the second place and which under LD was lowest. The average relative water content of nodal root from 1st to 4th layers under LD took the first place,which under MD took the second place and which under HD was lowest,whereas that of nodal root from 5th to 7th layers under MD took the first place,which under LD took the second place and which under HD was lowest.


