
Development of Soil Classification and Research Avenue

  • 摘要: 土壤分类是认识土壤的基础,也是研究土壤的一种基本方法。随着土壤科学的发展,土壤分类也在不断前进。本文从国际到国内,从过去到近现代,叙述了土壤分类的循序渐进的发展历程,阐述了土壤分类经历了早期以土壤地理发生分类为代表的定性分类时代而进入了近现代以土壤系统分类为代表的定量分类时代,开始了新的里程。特别是近期关于土壤系统分类基层分类单元土系的研究成为当前从事土壤分类研究的热点,也是今后土壤分类研究的重要方法和手段,对于土壤地理学研究具有重要意义。


    Abstract: Soil classification is the basis for understanding the soil,and a basic method for soil research.With the development of soil science,soil classification is constantly advancing.In this paper,author described the gradual development process of soil classification from international to domestic and the past to modern times,elaborated that soil classification experienced a qualitative classification era that represented by the genetic soil classification in early times,soil classification came into a quantitative classification era that represented by the soil taxonomy,starting a new milestone.Especially,the recent research on soil series,primary taxon of the soil taxonomy,has become a hot spot research in soil classification,also is an important method and means of soil classification study,which has important significance for soil geography study.


