
The Response of Soybean Grain Yield to Potassium Fertilization under Different Crop Rotations in Black Soil Region of Northeast China

  • 摘要: 东北黑土区是我国重要的优质大豆主产区之一,因其大豆的商品率高,在保障我国粮油供应方面起到了重要作用。本研究以中国科学院海伦农田生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站内轮作试验为依托,分析了钾肥投入量和降水格局对大豆产量的影响。研究结果表明,在研究区域内,大豆产量取决于轮作方式、钾肥投入量及降水格局的共同调控作用。大豆连作显著降低了大豆的产量,与大豆-玉米轮作和大豆-玉米-小麦轮作相比分别降低了5.5%和29.6%;钾肥的施用能够显著缓解大豆连作对大豆产量的限制,并随着钾肥投入量的增加而呈增加的趋势。但是在大豆-玉米-小麦轮作条件下,当钾肥投入量增加到149.0 kg·hm-2后,大豆产量并没有表现出相应的增加趋势,说明在延长大豆与禾本科作物轮作周期的情况下,可以适当地减少钾肥施用量。与此同时,钾肥还能够缓解研究区域内湿润年份大气降水过多对大豆籽粒产量的限制作用。因此,在研究区域内钾肥的施用能够显著增加大豆连作对大豆产量的限制。


    Abstract: The Black soil region of Northeast China is the main soybean producer,which is very important for guaranteeing the supply of vegetable oils to China.The effect of potassium (K) fertilization and rainfall patterns on soybean grain yield was investigated based on the crop rotation experiments in the National Observation Station of Hailun Agroecology System in the Chinese Academy of Sciences.Soybean grain yield was impacted by crop rotation patterns,rainfall patterns and rate of K fertilizer application in the study area.Soybean grain yield under continuous soybean was significantly decreased by 5.5% and 26.6% compared with soybean-maize rotation and soybean-maize-wheat rotation.The application of K fertilizer could regulate significantly the soybean grain yield in continuous soybean,and an increased trend of soybean grain yield with the increased rate of K fertilizer application was observed.However,soybean grain yield under soybean-maize-wheat rotation did not increase with increased rate of K fertilizer application when K fertilizer application rate was over 149 kg·hm-2,indicating that the lower rate of K fertilizer application could be applied in soybean-maize-wheat rotation.K fertilizer could ameliorate the negative effect of wet growing season on soybean grain yield.Therefore,the application of K fertilizer could increase significantly the soybean grain yield under continuous soybean.


