
Optimal Fertilization of Maize Production in Black Soil Region of Heilongjiang Province——A Case Study in Shuangcheng City

  • 摘要: 为明确黑龙江省玉米主产区土壤养分限制因子,充分发挥土壤及肥料的增产潜力,达到玉米的高产高效,通过双城市5年的田间小区对比试验,研究了玉米对不同肥料的产量响应及肥料效应。结果表明,不施氮磷钾锌硫肥均降低玉米产量,不施氮肥、不施磷肥、不施钾肥、不施锌肥、不施硫肥的各减素处理较推荐施肥处理平均减产分别为27.7%、18.4%、17.6%、7.8%和9.7%。氮磷钾合理配施显著提高玉米产量、养分吸收、农学效率和肥料利用率。与农民习惯施肥处理相比,优化施肥处理玉米平均增产12.6%,增加氮磷钾养分吸收量分别为13.4 kg·hm-2、9.0 kg·hm-2和12.4 kg·hm-2;增加氮磷钾农学效率分别为6.5 kg·kg-1、17.5 kg·kg-1、7.0 kg·kg-1;提高氮磷钾肥利用率分别为8.1%、13.4%和9.5%。影响双城市玉米产量的主要土壤养分限制因子是氮,其次是钾和磷,潜在因子是锌和硫。与优化施肥相比,该地区玉米生产农民习惯施肥中,氮施用量略有不足,磷肥用量过高,钾肥用量过低,生产中应适当增加钾肥用量,否则长期种植玉米易造成土壤钾素的亏缺。


    Abstract: Based on 5-year field plot experiments in Shuangcheng city,the effect of different fertilizers on corn yield and fertilizer efficiency was studied in order to understand limiting factors of soil nutrients,to produce the maximum yield,and to achieve high yield and high efficiency of corn in Heilongjiang Province. The results showed that corn production decreased without nitrogen,phosphorus,potash,zinc and sulfur fertilizers. Compared with OPT treatment,corn yield with O-N,O-P,O-K,O-Zn,and O-S treatment decreased by an average of 27.7%,18.4%,17.6%,7.8% and 9.7%,respectively; Corn yield,nutrient absorption amount,agronomic efficiency and fertilizer utilization rate were improved by rational fertilization with N,P and K fertilizers. Compared with farmer's routine fertilization practice (FP),optimal fertilization increased corn yield by 12.6%; improved nutrient absorption amount of N,P2O5 and K2O by 13.4 kg·hm-2,9.0 kg·hm-2 and 12.4 kg·hm-2,respectively; agronomic efficiency increased by 6.5 kg·kg-1,17.5 kg·kg-1,and 7.0 kg·kg-1,respectively; and fertilizer utilization rate improved by 8.1%,13.4% and 9.5%,respectively. In Shuangcheng city,nitrogen was a main limiting factor of soil nutrients,followed by potassium and phosphorus,while the potential limiting factors were zinc and sulfur.Therefore,for farmer's fertilization practice in Shuangcheng city,nitrogen fertilizer was slightly insufficient,phosphorus fertilizer was over sufficient,and potash fertilizer was deficient. More attention should be paid to increase potash fertilizer use;otherwise,it would easily lead to soil potassium deficiency for continuous corn planting.


