
Effect of Different Organic Manures on Oilseed Flax Quality Characters

  • 摘要: 为探讨胡麻(Linum usitatissimum Linn)优质安全生产,以张亚2号为材料,在内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯市、山西省大同市和甘肃省兰州市、白银市4个地点,以不施肥(T0)和单施化肥(T1)为对照,研究了4种不同有机肥-当地农家肥(T2)、胡麻油渣(T3)、清调补有机肥(T4)和窝里横有机肥(T5)对油用亚麻品质及产量的影响。结果表明,4种有机肥对油用亚麻品质的影响主要体现为含油率和饱和脂肪酸含量变化。油用亚麻品质中有效成分的积累受有机肥料类型和农田环境因素协同影响,未出现统一性变化。与不施肥和施用化肥相比,尽管4种有机肥对棕榈酸、油酸、亚油酸、亚麻酸和木酚素有一定影响,但处理间均无显著差异,肥料处理后油份品质差异主要体现为含油率、硬脂酸和碘值的变化。窝里横有机肥较化肥显著提高含油率1.24%,而农家肥和窝里横有机肥较化肥处理硬脂酸含量显著降低4.97%和12.04%。品质特性和产量对不同试验点的响应较大,4个试验点中,饱和脂肪酸含量以兰州和白银点居高,鄂尔多斯点呈现较高的含油率及油酸和亚油酸含量,亚麻酸则以兰州和大同点为优。产量效应则集中体现在鄂尔多斯和兰州点,有机肥处理后产量分别为2 356 kg·hm-2和2 067 kg·hm-2,可为兰州和鄂尔多斯作为优质油用亚麻生产基地提供高产、高值化参考。油用亚麻主要品质性状可能主要决定于其遗传特性,有机肥除影响含油率和硬脂酸含量外,更多地体现在产量效应上。


    Abstract: To investigate good quality and safety in oil flax(Linum usitatissimum Linn) production,field experiments were conducted in Ordos City of Inner Mongolia autonomous region,Datong City of Shanxi Province,Baiyin and Lanzhou Cities of Gansu Province.The study compared the effects of the applications of four different maures on oil flax quality characters and yield.The four organic fertilizers included farmyard manure(T2),oil flax residue(T3),Qingtiaobu(T4) and Woliheng(T5) bio-fertilizers.Treatments without fertilizer(T0) and with chemical fertilizer(T1) were used as controls.The results showed different responses in oil flax quality characters to different manures in four experiment sites.Effects of oil flax quality under four manure treatments were primarily reflected in variation of fat content and saturated fatty acid.Accumulation of oil flax quality components were influenced by organic manure types and field environmental factors,but no homogeneity appeared in this course.Compared to T0 and T1,treatments of T2,T3,T4 and T5 have influence on palmic acid,oleic acid,linoleic acid,linolenic acid and lignan content,there are no significant difference appeared in four manure treatments,therefore,major difference embodied in variety of fat content,stearic acid and iodine value.Woliheng increased fat content by 1.24% significantly over chemical fertilizer,farmyard manure and Woliheng decreased stearic acid content by 4.97% and 12.04% over fertilizer.In the four experiment sites,higher saturated fatty acid content appeared in Lanzhou and Baiyin,besides for fat content,oleic acid,linoleic acid in Ordos and linolenic acid in Lanzhou and Datong.An average high-yield up to 2 356 kg·hm-2 and 2 067 kg·hm-2 were majored in Ordos and Lanzhou site under the four manure treatments.As for different valuable components in manures and different soil conditions and ecological surroundings,the four manures appeared different effect on oil flax quality characters and yield,the suggestion was proposed for establishing high quality oil flax production base in Lanzhou and Ordos.


