
Effects of Water-driven Erosion on Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics and Global Carbon Balance

  • 摘要: 由降雨径流造成的土壤侵蚀是全球土壤退化的最重要原因之一,同时也促进了土壤有机碳(SOC)在陆地表面的再分布,改变了侵蚀沉积区SOC的矿化速率,从而影响全球碳循环和碳平衡。文章介绍了国内外相关的研究结果,综述了土壤水蚀对SOC动态及全球C循环平衡的影响。土壤水蚀造成侵蚀区SOC流失,增大侵蚀区SOC的矿化速率;而在沉积区,沉积作用造成SOC的埋藏富集,但对碳矿化速率的影响并没有一致的认识。大部分研究认为沉积作用抑制SOC的矿化,通常在进行土壤侵蚀地区SOC动态变化计算时,只是简单计算侵蚀和沉积部位某段时间内SOC的差值,并没有将沉积埋藏在低洼处的SOC考虑在内,埋藏的次序也没有涉及,由此高估了因水蚀而损失的SOC量,成为全球碳循环过程中"失汇"的一个重要原因。目前的研究倾向于土壤水蚀是"碳汇",但由于SOC动态变化的多因素性及对土壤侵蚀大范围长时间测定的不确定性,所以对土壤侵蚀"碳源""碳汇"的讨论仍存在很大的争议。


    Abstract: Water-driven soil erosion is one of the most important factors contributing to soil degradation, which affects global carbon (C) cycle by redistributing soil organic carbon (SOC) over the landscape and changing SOC mineralization rate at both eroded and depositional positions.This paper aims to summarize the current researches in the world and evaluate the effect of water-driven erosion on SOC dynamics and global C balance.Water-driven erosion moves sediment and SOC down slope and promotes C mineralization rate at eroded slope positions; SOC laden sediment deposited in depositional areas is continually buried by additional sediment protecting it from mineralization.The change in SOC in a landscape over a period is generally considered to be the amount of SOC lost by erosion, without taking SOC deposition into consideration.As a result, the amount of SOC lost by erosion may be over-estimated.Soil erosion is considered to be related with the lost C sink in global C cycle.However, it is difficult to make a clear statement on effect of water-driven erosion on SOC dynamics as there are many factors affecting SOC dynamics and it is difficult to measure long term SOC redistribution by erosion in field.


