
Soil N2O Emission and Nitrate Leaching in Cropland: A Review

  • 摘要: 氮素在生态环境中具有双重功能,一方面氮是植物生长所必须的营养元素,在农业生产中,当氮素不能满足作物生长时,需要施用化肥尤其是氮肥;另一方面过多施用的化肥氮素和废弃物中的氮素会污染环境,铵态氮素会被氧化为硝态氮素,硝态氮素会形成N2O,造成严重的环境问题。文章介绍了影响N2O的排放机理及影响土壤硝态氮淋失的主要因素,并对N2O排放及硝态氮淋失研究中需要加强的几个方面进行了展望。


    Abstract: Nitrogen (N) has a dual function in the ecological environment.On the one hand, nitrogen is an essential element for plant growth and development in agricultural production, and supplement of nitrogen fertilizer is required when soil N can't meet the crop demand.On the other hand, too much application of nitrogen in fertilizer and waste will pollute the environment.Ammonium nitrogen in environment will be oxidized into nitrate nitrogen, which will be N2O formation resource, causing severe environmental problems.This article mainly introduced the influence of N2O emissions from biological processes and biological processes.At the same time, the main factors influencing soil NO3--N leaching were summarized.Research avenues for some aspects of the N2O emissions and NO3--N leaching study were also discussed.


