
Molecular Biological Research Progress in Genetic Diversity of Cyanobacteria

  • 摘要: 蓝藻是一类能光合产氧的原核微生物,广泛存在于海洋、湖泊、稻田、沙漠甚至各种极端环境中。研究蓝藻的遗传多样性对了解物种进化和物种资源开发与利用等方面具有重要意义。文章综述了海洋、湖泊和稻田中蓝藻遗传多样性分子生物学研究进展,阐述了不同自然环境中都存在着独特的蓝藻类群及其蓝藻的分布规律,讨论了环境因子对蓝藻遗传多样性的影响,并提出了环境中蓝藻多样性研究中的存在问题及未来研究趋势。


    Abstract: Cyanobacteria are a kind of photosynthetic and oxygen-producing prokaryotic microorganisms which are widely spread in ocean, lake, paddy field, desert and even in some extremely adverse environments.Studying the genetic diversity of cyanobacteria is very important in understanding species evolution, exploitation and utilization of resources.In this paper, we reviewed the research progress on genetic diversity of cyanobacteria in marine, lake and paddy field based on molecular biological techniques.The distribution patterns of cyanobacteria and several unique cyanobacterial groups exist in different environments were summarized.Meanwhile, the effect of environmental factors on cyanobacterial diversity was discussed and several research problems and future research tendencies of cyanobacterial diversity study were proposed.


