
Pluronic Gel System: An Approach to Investigate Chemotaxis of Plant Parasitic Nematodes

  • 摘要: 化学趋向性是植物寄生线虫寻找寄主的重要机制。文章在综述植物寄生线虫对寄主及其土壤根围中潜在的一些化学物质趋性研究进展的基础上,详细介绍了利用可模拟土壤三维空间的、透明的、热可逆的Pluronic胶系统在线虫趋化性研究中的应用及相关研究进展。通过该凝胶系统明确了根结线虫趋于偏酸性(pH4.5~5.4);CO2对根结线虫的吸引是由于CO2改变了介质的pH值而导致的;低浓度的HCN(15 μM~22 μM)对根结线虫具有集聚作用,并且这个聚团基因已被标记到根结线虫的基因组上;植物激素中乙烯的信号转导途径介导了线虫的趋化性;由线虫分泌参与调控植物防御和病原抗性的保守小分子化合物蛔甙可能也参与了线虫聚团的调控。鉴定来自植物或线虫中参与介导线虫的趋性物质是目前研究的热点。


    Abstract: Cheomtaxis is the most important mechanism for host-localization of plant-parasitic nematodes.In this review, we discuss the research advances of chemotaxis of plant-parasitic nematodes to plant and potential chemicals from root rhizosphere. We introduce that one transparent thermos-reversible Pluronic gel simulates soil three-dimensional way to allow nematodes move freely in the gel and currently the gel is the best medium to study nematode behavior and chemotaxis. Through this gel system, root-knot nematodes were found to prefer to gather together at low pH (pH range 4.5~5.4); the attraction of CO2 to nematodes was not due to CO2 itself but due to acidification of solutions by dissolved CO2 in the gel; nematodes formed clumps at low concentration of HCN (15 μM~22 μM) and the clumping gene was mapped to nematode genome; ethylene signal pathway modulated nematode attraction. In addition, ascarosides as conserved nematode signaling molecules eliciting plant defenses and pathogen resistance also involved in nematode aggregation and clumping. Current research hotspot is to identify semiochemicals from root or nematode exuduates which modify or regulate nematode chemotaxis.


