
Residual Characteristics and Health Risk Assessment of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Suburban Vegetable Soils in Different Industrial Cities

  • 摘要: 为明确不同工业类型城市的多氯联苯(PCBs)残留现况,以吉林省长春市和吉林市两个重要工业城市郊区菜地土壤为研究对象,分析了土壤中11种PCBs的含量、组成及来源,并采用健康风险评价法评估了土壤PCBs污染对暴露人群的非致癌和致癌风险。结果表明:以石油化工为主的吉林市城郊菜地土壤中PCBs的平均残留量为111.0 μg·kg-1,比长春高32.54%,都以高氯代PCBs为主。长春近郊菜地土壤中PCBs污染主要与汽车尾气和交通运输、油漆等行业有关;吉林城郊菜地土壤中PCBs则主要来源于石油化工、电力等行业。两城市工业用地方式下工人和居住用地方式下儿童和成人的累积非致癌风险均未超过可接受水平,PCBs的非致癌风险较小;但在居住用地方式下,多种暴露途径导致的儿童累积致癌风险超过了可接受水平(10-6)。


    Abstract: In order to investigate the residual situation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in vegetable soils in different industrial cities in China,we analyzed the concentration,composition and sources of 11 kinds of PCBs in suburban vegetable topsoils of Changchun and Jilin cities,Jilin Province,and used the health risk assessment method to evaluate the non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risk of PCBs pollution to exposed population.The results indicated that the mean residual quantity of PCBs in suburban vegetable soils in Jilin city was 111.0 μg·kg-1,32.54% higher than that in Changchun city.Two cities were all given priority to high chlorinated PCBs.Principal component analysis revealed that PCBs pollution in Changchun suburban vegetable soils mainly related to transportation,automobile exhaust,paint and other industries; while the PCBs in Jilin suburban vegetable soils mainly came from the petroleum chemical industry,power industry etc.Health risk assessment showed that the cumulative non-carcinogenic in children and adults in the industrial land and residential land didn't exceed acceptable levels,the non-carcinogenic risk of PCBs was small.However,in the residential land,the cumulative carcinogenic risk of children caused by multiple exposure ways exceeded the acceptable level (10-6).


