
Preliminary Study on Classification of Typical Aeolian Sandy Soil in the Western Jilin Province of China

  • 摘要: 为了研究吉林西部风砂土在中国土壤系统分类中的归属,采用当前国际主流的土壤系统分类,研究了吉林省西部4个风砂土的典型剖面。通过对研究区域的自然状况调查分析,对野外典型剖面的描述,以及对土壤各项性状指标分析,并以土体诊断层和诊断特性为基础,按照《中国土壤系统分类检索(第3版)》的标准,初步确定吉林西部风砂土在中国土壤系统分类中归为雏形土和新成土2个土纲,干润雏形土和砂质新成土2个亚纲。


    Abstract: In order to determine the fate of aeolian sandy soil in the western Jilin province of China in Chinese Soil Taxonomy,the authors examined 4 typical profiles of aeolian sandy soil in the western Jilin Province of China by using the current international mainstream soil taxonomy.Through investigation and description of the typical soil profiles and analysis on various soil properties,the authors preliminarily determined that the aeolian sandy soil in the western Jilin Province of China belongs to Cambosols and Primosols orders,Ustic cambosols and Sandic primosols suborders,which was based on the diagnostic horizon/diagnostic characteristics and the standard criteria of Chinese soil taxonomy (3rd edition).


