Progress of Freeze-thaw Effects on Carbon,Nitrogen and Phosphorus Cyclings in Soils
摘要: 冻融作用是中高纬度地区普遍存在的一种非生物营力,对土壤生物地球化学过程影响显著,并随着全球变暖的持续,受到越来越多的关注。文章综述了冻融作用影响土壤碳、氮、磷循环的几个主要方面:包括可溶性有机碳(DOC)变化、温室气体的排放、氮的迁移转化以及土壤对磷的吸附解吸等。现有研究结果表明:冻融作用损伤微生物细胞和植物根系,释放其中的有机质并增加相应的土壤溶液浓度。随着冻融循环的持续,冻胀作用使大团聚体不断裂解成小团聚体,释放作为粘结物的有机质,使原本不能被微生物利用的基质暴露出来,并且团聚体的比表面积增大提供了更多的微生物接触位点和离子吸附位点。在冻融期微生物可以利用上述作用中产生的大量营养物质和反应底物从而促进CO2、N2O等温室气体的产生,促进有机碳、氮、磷的矿化分解以及氮的硝化、反硝化作用等土壤营养元素的周转,也提高了潜在的土壤养分流失的可能。由于土壤类型、植被组成、微生物活性的复杂差异,冻融期土壤碳、氮、磷循环及其影响因素仍有诸多分歧。文章简要剖析了当前冻融实验的研究内容、方法和存在的问题,并对今后冻融对土壤碳、氮、磷循环影响的研究方向提出建议。Abstract: As a ubiquitous non-biological stress in high latitudes,freeze-thaw effects are sensitive to climate change.Along with global climate warming,freeze-thaw phenomenon is receiving ever-significant attention.The biogeochemistry processes in soils keep notable response to freeze-thaw influence.Here we review the primary researches about carbon,nitrogen,phosphorus cyclings under freeze-thaw treatment in soils.We mainly focus on changes of dissolved organic carbon,greenhouse gas emission,nitrogen and phosphorus turnover in soils.On the basis of available literature,freeze-thaw effects could damage microbes and root cells,lead their internal carbon and nitrogen release which increase corresponding concentration in soil solution.Macroaggregates in soils could be destroyed into microaggregates with successive freeze-thaw cycles,which increase the availability of nutrients to soil microorganisms by larger surface area.During freeze-thaw period,nutrients and substrates produced in above-mentioned mechanisms would stimulate metabolisms of microbes and turnover of carbon,nitrogen and phosphorus in soils which however increase potential nutrients run-off in turn.Because of differences in soil types,vegetation constitutes and microorgnisms diversity,there are still debates on how continuous freeze-thaw effects influence nutrients cyclings in soils.Besides,our review points out the weakness of research methods in freeze-thaw studies.The recommendations for future freeze-thaw researches are also indicated.