Long-term Studies on Crop-pasture Rotations and Different Tillage Systems in Uruguay
摘要: 不同于世界其他黑土区,始于20世纪60年代乌拉圭的作物-牧草轮作制是很有影响和特色的种植体系。它是一个更具多样性,具有更强的抗御气候和经济变化缓冲力的系统。本文介绍了乌拉圭作物-牧草轮作几个体系的构成,重点评述了基于作物-牧草多体轮作制长期定位试验不同耕作体系对土壤有机碳动态、土壤侵蚀和氧化亚氮排放的影响。特定生态环境和特别的种植体系下得出的不同于其他地区的研究结果或结论,对进一步深入理解农业生产的区域性意义重大。Abstract: Crop-pasture rotations in Uruguay since 1960s, the predominant and unusual cropping systems around the world are the most influential farming systems. This system is a more economically and climatically buffered system due to its higher diversity. This paper describes the basic components of several crop-pasture rotations, and summarizes the impacts of long-and middle-term crop-pasture rotations under different tillage systems on soil organic carbon, soil erosion and nitrous oxide emissions. Different results and conclusions obtained from the given ecological conditions and cropping systems in Uruguay lends significance in further understanding the importance of regional variability for agricultural production.