
Preliminary Study on Nitrogen and Potassium Application Rates under Water-saving Irrigation in Grapery

  • 摘要: 通过对葡萄地施用不同氮肥、钾肥试验得出,施氮量≤ 127.8 kg·hm-2、施钾量≤ 165.8 kg·hm-2时,葡萄产量随施肥量增加而增加,其最大增产幅度分别为43.4%、21.6%,氮肥的增产作用要大于钾肥。就产量而言,最佳施氮量为127.5 kg·hm-2,最佳施钾量为163.5 kg·hm-2。氮肥对葡萄糖分的影响较为复杂,施氮量在29.7 kg·hm-2~100.5 kg·hm-2范围内施氮量和葡萄糖度成正比,其余范围少施或多施均会降低葡萄的糖度;施钾量和糖度的关系为正相关,施钾越多葡萄糖度越高。通过钾肥单因子试验初步得出土壤速效钾含量≥ 205.9 mg·kg-1时,施用钾肥对葡萄糖分提高效果将低于5%;速效钾含量大于211.8 mg·kg-1时,无钾区相对产量大于95%,由此可以将土壤速效钾含量215 mg·kg-1作为葡萄土壤速效钾丰富程度的指标。


    Abstract: An experiment concerning N and K fertilization under water-saving irrigation in grapery was conducted in Yizheng of Jiangsu Province.The results showed that when nitrogen fertilizer is equal to or less than 127.8kg·hm-2, and K is equal to or less than 165.8 kg·hm-2, grape yield was increased with the increase in fertilizer rates,the maximum yield increasing percentage with nitrogen and potassium application was 43.4%, 21.6% respectively. The yield was more responsive to N fertilizer than that of K fertilizer.The optimum rate was 127.5kg·hm-2 for nitrogen, and 163.5kg·hm-2 for potassium,respectively.Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on sugar content was more complex, within the range of 29.7 kg·hm-2~100.5kg·hm-2 glucose degree was positively correlated to the rate of application. The higher the potassium application rate, the higher the sugar degree. The single factor test showed that when available potassium content was over or equal to 205.9 mg·kg-1, glucose points was reduced less than 5%;while the available K content was higher than 211.8 mg·kg-1, the relative yield of potassium-free zone was greater than 95%. Soil available potassium content of 215 mg·kg-1 could be designated as an indicator for the richness of soil available potassium to grape cultivation.


