Research and Experience of Rice Planting in Saline-sodic Soil in Northeast China
摘要: 苏打盐碱土在我国松嫩平原西部分布广泛,它是一种退化的逆境土壤环境,也是一种重要的土地资源。苏打盐碱土以碳酸盐(Na2CO3和NaHCO3)为主要盐分,土壤pH大多在8.5以上,碱性强,物理性状恶劣,改良治理十分困难。人们在长期生产实践中发现,栽种水稻是利用苏打盐碱地的有效措施之一。文章通过对苏打盐碱地种稻历史的回顾,概述了水稻耐盐碱特征研究的进展,分析了当前苏打盐碱地栽种水稻存在的问题以及发展前景,旨为苏打盐碱地大规模开发种稻提供理论支撑和技术借鉴。Abstract: Saline-sodic soils widely distribute in the western part of Songnen Plain in Northeast China, and they are important land resources with degenerate and streesed soil environment. Carbonates (Na2CO3 & NaHCO3) are the main salinity in saline-sodic soil with soil pH more than 8.5 in general, while the alkaline was strong and physical properties were poor, making it difficult for improving and utilizing saline-sodic soils. Planting rice has been one of the effective measures of biological improvement for saline-sodic soil in long-term production practice. The history and technology improvement for rice planting in saline-sodic soils was reviewed, the characteristics and research progress on rice tolerant to saline-sodic was described, and problems existed on planting rice were analyzed in this article. Some advices and development prospects were put forward for planting rice widely in saline-sodic soils as a theoretical supporting and technical reference.