Effects of Wide-narrow Row Planting Pattern on Leaf Senescence During Seed Filling in Maize
摘要: 生育后期是玉米产量形成的关键时期,但此时叶片的衰老会影响产量,延长生育后期叶片的有效光合功能,对玉米产量形成十分重要。适宜的种植方式可延缓玉米叶片的衰老。此研究在吉林省玉米种植区,探索东西垄向和南偏西20°的垄向条件下的均匀垄(65 cm)和宽窄行(160 cm+40 cm)的种植方式对生育后期玉米穗位叶的与光合和衰老有关的生理指标的影响。研究结果显示,南偏西20°的垄向的宽窄行种植方式下,生育后期玉米穗位叶的SPAD读数和非结构性碳水化合物含量高于常规均匀垄种植方式。南偏西20°的垄向常规均匀垄的穗位叶的脯氨酸含量高于宽窄行。南偏西20°的宽窄行种植方式的穗位叶的超氧化物歧化酶(Superoxidedismutase,SOD)活性和过氧化物酶(Peroxidase,POD)活性较常规均匀垄的高。因此在吉林省德惠市玉米种植区内,宽窄行种植方式有利于延缓生育后期玉米功能叶片的衰老。Abstract: Leaf senescence during the late growth stage affectes maize yield.Suitable planting pattern could delay leaf senescence in maize.The experiment with planting patterns of wide-narrow row (160 cm+40 cm) and uniform row (65 cm,CK) in East-West (EW) and South by West 20 degree (SW) orientation was conducted in field with maize cultivars LY99.Physiological index including leaf SPAD values,non-structural carbohydrate content,proline content,activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (POD) in ear leaf were measured at 115 days after sowing.The results showed that the proline content decreased while the SPAD value,non-structural carbohydrate content,as well as SOD activity and POD activity increased at the planting pattern wide-narrow row in SW orientation,compared with CK.Therefore,the wide-narrow row of South by West 20 degrees planting is beneficial to delay the senescence at late growth stage of maize in Dehui City,Jilin province.