
Effects of Reduced Fertilization on Yield and Economic Benefit in Soybean and Maize

  • 摘要: 为明确黑土耕地生产力、施肥情况及肥料利用率状况,本研究在逊克、爱辉、北安、海伦和巴彦进行大豆、玉米减量化施肥试验,结果表明,不施肥大豆产量为1 370 kg·hm-2~3 586 kg·hm-2,变异系数达35%,2014年施肥大豆增产2%~45%,仅爱辉达到显著增产,大豆氮磷钾肥利用率偏低,分别为13.7%~20.9%、5.1%~10.5%、8.0%~20.4%,2015年爱辉、逊克、北安施肥处理(NPK、N2PK和N2P2K)均比对照显著增加了大豆产量,然而除爱辉外,与NPK相比增施肥料处理(N2PK和N2P2K)对大豆产量及经济效益增加不显著,单一肥料经济效益氮肥高于钾肥和磷肥,其中磷肥为负效益,大豆N2PK(N 61.5 kg·hm-2,P2O5 69 kg·hm-2,K2O 46 kg·hm-2)处理获得经济效益最高。施肥后玉米增产幅度更高,可达32%~148%,但不同施肥处理间玉米产量差异不显著,增施肥料未能继续增加玉米产量,玉米施磷肥经济效益高于氮肥和钾肥。总之黑土区北部大豆施肥量可减少25%,主要降低磷肥和钾肥施用量,建议为N 60 kg·hm-2,P2O5 70 kg·hm-2,K2O 40 kg·hm-2,玉米施肥可减少30%,主要降低氮肥和钾肥施用量,建议为N 150 kg·hm-2,P2O5 60 kg·hm-2,K2O 40 kg·hm-2


    Abstract: Reduced fertilization experiments of maize and soybean were conducted in Xunke,Aihui,beian,Hailun and Bayan in Heilongjiang Province in order to determine the productivity of arable black soil,fertilization status and fertilizer use efficiency.The result showed that soybean yield with no fertilizer treatments (CK) changed from 1 370 kg·hm-2~3 586 kg·hm-2 with the coefficient of variation of 35% in all experimental sites with exception of Bayan in 2014 and 2015.Soybean yield in 2014 was increased by 2~45% in fertilizer application treatments compared with CK,significant increase in soybean yield was only observed in Aihui.In 2015,soybean yield in fertilization treatments (NPK,N2PK and N2P2K) was significantly increased in Aihui,Xunke and Beian compared with CK,but additional N and P fertilizer application (N2PK and N2P2K) also increased soybean yield and economic benefit compared with NPK (p>0.05).Fertilizer use efficiencies of soybean were a little bit low with 13.7%~20.9%,5.1%~10.5% and 8.0%~20.4% for N,P and K fertilizer use efficiency,respectively.Economic benefit of N fertilizer was more than that of P and K fertilizers,the highest economic benefit of soybean was found in N2PK treatment (N 61.5 kg·hm-2,P2O5 69 kg·hm-2,K2O 46 kg·hm-2).Maize yield in fertilization treatments was increased by 32%~148% compared with CK,there was no significant difference among different fertilization treatments,additional N and P fertilizer application treatments (N2PK and N2P2K) had no effects in increasing maize yield compared with NPK.The economic benefit of P fertilizer was more than that in N and K fertilizers for maize.Therefore,amount of fertilizer application of soybean and maize could be decreased by 25% and 30%,respectively,with reduction in P and K fertilizer for soybean,N and K fertilizer for maize.The recommended fertilizer application rate in the northern part of Mollisols region was N 60 kg·hm-2,P2O5 70 kg·hm-2,K2O 40 kg·hm-2 for soybean,N 150 kg·hm-2,P2O5 60 kg·hm-2,K2O 40 kg·hm-2 for maize.


