
Differences of Cd Accumulation in Maize Hybrids

  • 摘要: Cd是农田土壤主要的污染物质之一。本研究以13个玉米品种为试验材料,进行田间试验,研究了不同玉米品种对Cd富集的差异及Cd对玉米品种生物量和产量的影响。研究结果表明:不同玉米品种的生物干重和产量差异显著(p<0.05);不同玉米品种的茎叶和籽粒Cd含量差异显著(p<0.05),差异表现为茎叶>籽粒,根据GB13078-2001饲料卫生Cd中的限量标准(≤ 0.05 mg·kg-1),茎叶Cd含量超标率为7.69%,而根据GB2762-2012食品卫生Cd中的标准(≤ 0.1 mg·kg-1),籽粒中Cd的含量全部达标;不同玉米品种植株富集能力和籽粒转运能力差异显著(p<0.05),从茎叶到籽粒富集Cd的能力较弱。筛选出的玉米品种先玉335、登海669可在湖南省中、低度土壤Cd污染地区推广种植,品种登海605、纪元101、湘农玉13可供作物修复方面的品种研究。


    Abstract: Cadmiun(Cd)is one of the main pollutants in agricultural soil.A field experiment was carried out by studying the difference of Cd enrichment and Cd effects on biomass and yield in 13 maize hybrids.The results showed that the dry weight of different maize hybrids and yield differed significantly (p<0.05).Greater differences were found in stem and leaf and seed Cd content (p<0.05),with the differences in stem and leaf>seed.According to GB13078-2001 feed hygiene standard of set limit to Cd (≤ 0.5 mg·kg-1),the Cd content in stem and leaf exceeded the limit by 7.69%,and according to the standards in food hygiene GB2762-2012 Cd (≤ 0.1 mg·kg-1),the seed Cd content was within the standard limit.Enrichment ability and seed translocation for Cd differed among hybrids (p<0.05) with weak ability in translocating Cd from the stem and leaf to seed.We screened out maize hybrids Xianyu 335 and Denghai 669 as suitable for planting in moderate and low Cd contaminated soil region of Hunan Province of China,and While Denghai 605,Jiyuan 101 and Xiangnongyu 13 as materials for phytoremediation research.


