Influence of Nitrogen Accumulation and Redistribution on Seed Yield in Soybean during Seed Filling
摘要: 大豆需要吸收大量的氮来完成其子实的高蛋白合成。大豆能通过与根瘤菌的共生关系来获取氮养分,所以一般认为大豆对氮肥反应不太明显,农民种大豆也不注重施氮肥。由于需要提供大量能量才能维持根瘤固氮系统的运转,所以只依靠根瘤固氮会增加植物体的生物负荷,从而限制高产。本文参考大豆氮代谢相关研究,阐述了大豆鼓粒期间的氮移动特征,指出大豆在鼓粒中期根系供氮不足的部分由来自叶片等营养器官的转移氮来补充,并认为这种氮转移会导致叶片老化,缩短鼓粒期,从而限制产量;提出大豆的开花后期至鼓粒期间施用氮肥有可能提高根系的供氮能力,延缓由氮转移而引起的叶片老化,利于产量的提高。因此,本文期望通过对大豆氮元素的吸收与利用过程的剖析,加深理解大豆对氮元素的需求机理,为合理施用氮肥以及提高大豆产量提供理论依据。Abstract: It is well known that soybean plants need to take up large amount of nitrogen for its high content of protein. Generally the seed yield of soybean does not respond to the nitrogen fertilization clearly, because soybean plants could acquire nitrogen from nodules by nitrogen fixation. Therefore, the importance of nitrogen fertilization in soybean production is not well considered. However, the cost of nitrogen fixation is the consumption of assimilate, indicating the competition in assimilate between nitrogen fixation and seed production. This paper reviewed the functions of nitrogen accumulation and redistribution during seed filling and its relationship with seed yield in soybean, based on our recent works and published reports. It indicated that nitrogen remobilization from vegetative organs to seeds during seed filling could support the seed yield, while it also results in the earlier plant senescence, shortens the seed filling duration, and thus limits seed production. This review provides some information relating with the functions of nitrogen accumulation and redistribution during seed filling, and guidelines for how to use nitrogen fertilizer effectively for high seed yielding soybean production.