
National and International Research Advance on Territory Differentiation Theory

  • 摘要: 地域分异,国际上已经不再是地理学界单一的名词,它不仅涉及自然地理专业的地表生态系统的自然演化过程,还涉及人类活动影响下的经济、生态、环保、碳排放及碳汇交易等各方面。目前的国内地域分异研究,主要涉及到农业土地利用、农业资源、农业生态领域,近来多集中于社会经济领域,研究方法趋于数理模型与模拟研究,近些年来也出现了一些较高水平的文章,新的研究方法也得到了创新应用。


    Abstract: Territory differentiation is no longer a term in geography. It involves not only natural evolution in the terrestrial ecosystem, but also economy, ecology, environmental protection, carbon emission and carbon-sink trade etc., under the influence of human's activities. The national research on territory differentiation is mainly about agricultural land use, agricultural resources, and agroecology. More recently, it focuses on social and economic fields. The mathematical model and simulation are commonly used. Several high-impact papers are published and new research methods have been applied in recent years.


