Using a randomized block design in Nenjiang and Daqing regions of Heilongjiang province, we studied the effect of different mulching materials including the photo-degradation film (M), plastic film (J), maize straw(S), liquid film(Y), and fulvic acid foliar spray (FA), on soil moisture, temperature, maize growth and water use efficiency (WUE). The results showed significant differences in soil moisture between different treatments, and the surface mulching improved soil moisture content. At the elongation stage of maize, compared with control, the soil moisture in J, M and S treatments increased 88.2%, 64.5% and 32.2% in Nenjiang region and 27.2%, 24.0% and 13.6% in Daqing region, respectively;all treatments in Nenjiang region reached a significant level(
p<0.05). At flowering stage of maize, compared with control, only S treatment reached a significant level (
p<0.05). Compared with control, J treatment increased soil temperature by 0.6℃~0.9℃ in Nengjiang region and 1.2℃~1.5 in Daqing region, respectively; while S treatment dropped soil temperature by 0.5℃~1.0℃ in Nengjiang region and 0.3℃ in Daqing region, respectively. Compared with control, FA treatment decreased leaf transpiration rate and stomatal conductance declined by 29.5% and 30.6% in Nenjiang region and 24.3% and 15.5% in Daqing region, respectively; while raised net photosynthetic rate by 16.7% in Nenjiang region and 10.9% in Daqing region, respectively. Compared with control, M and J treatments increased maize yield significantly; while S treatment reduced maize yield by 6.2%~10.0%. WUE had a positive correlation with yield; compared with control, J and M treatments enhanced WUE by 19.0% and 18.1% in Nengjiang region and 20.2% and 19.5% in Daqing region, respectively; while S treatment reduced WUE by 5.4% in Nengjiang region and 9.2% in Daqing region, respectively. The mulching technology would be more effective in the region with more amount of evaporation.