
Crop Classification Based on Multi-temporal Landsat8 OLI Imagery and MODIS NDVI Time Series Data

  • 摘要: 利用遥感技术进行农作物分类,可近实时地获取各种农作物种植的空间分布状况,对于农业生产管理和农业政策制定等都具有十分重要的意义。为避免单时相遥感影像存在同物异谱、同谱异物的现象,提高以往基于MODIS数据提取农作物分布方法的精度,改善传统分类方法存在椒盐噪声及分类效率低的缺点,本文基于MODIS NDVI时间序列曲线,确定作物识别的最佳时段,结合辐射分辨率较高的多时相Landsat8 OLI影像,采用面向对象的分类方法,充分利用物候特征及光谱信息区分作物类别,并在黑龙江省重点产粮区-北安市进行应用,获得北安市各类农作物的空间分布信息。地面调查验证结果表明,该农作物类别识别方法分类效果较好,总体精度达90.7%,kappa系数为0.88。研究结果说明,基于多时相Landsat 8 OLI影像及面向对象分类的方法,并结合MODIS时间序列数据,可以高效、精确地提取农作物信息,应用潜力巨大。


    Abstract: Crop classification via remote sensing is valuable to obtain spatial distribution of crop types, capture crop sowing information, which is important for managing agricultural production and making agricultural policies. Remote sensing is advantageous over conventional methods to investigate crops in a large scale. However, some problems also need to be worked out, because different objects have a similar spectral response and same objects with different spectra. To avoid this kind of problem in one single temporary image, to improve the accuracy of crop classification result via MODIS images, and to show more details in comparison of classification result by MODIS imagery, we used MODIS NDVI time series data to select suitable date for distinguishing crop types, based on multi-temporal Landsat8 OLI imagery, which have higher radiation resolution to extract crops information, and applied object-oriented classification method with spectral and phenological information to classify crop types. In addition, we applied this method in Bei'an county, an important area for grain producing region in Heilongjiang province. After all, we got spatial distribution map for main crops in Bei'an county. Then we selected 377 ground-truth points that represent all kinds of ground objects, to evaluate the precision of the classified results. It showed that, this method considerably increased the classification accuracy. Consequently, the total precision was 90.7%, and the kappa index was 0.88. It can be concluded that the method of combining Landsat8 OLI imagery with MODIS NDVI time series, based on object-oriented classification method can improve accuracy and increase efficiency of crop classification, which has enormous potential. It can be applied to other regions, or to map distribution of other ground objects.


