
Ecological Assessment to Wetland of Honghe National Nature Reserve: A Case Study of Oriental White Stork Habitat

  • 摘要: 湿地生态环境的保护对改善濒危物种的生存环境质量至关重要,而建立具有针对性、合理性的评价指标体系势在必行。本文以洪河自然保护区为例,针对东方白鹳栖息生境、觅食生境、景观生境和应急觅食生境,基于压力-状态-响应模型构建了具有针对性的洪河自然保护区湿地生态脆弱性评价体系,并利用综合评价法对2013年洪河自然保护区湿地生态进行了脆弱性评价。评价结果表明:2013年洪河自然保护区湿地的生态脆弱性为潜在脆弱,保护区内生态环境质量良好,这与政府对保护区的管理、发展以及人们的保护意识提高密切相关。


    Abstract: The conservation of wetland ecological environment is of vital importance to the improvement of endangered species habitat, while the urgent task is to establish a targeted and reasonable evaluation index system for the assessment. In this paper, a wetland ecological vulnerability evaluation system in Honghe National Nature Reserve, based on Pressure-Status-Response (PSR) concept model, was built up in resting habitat, foraging habitat, landscape habitat and emergency foraging habitat of Oriental White Stork; then after, a comprehensive evaluation method was applied to evaluate the wetland ecological vulnerability of Honghe Nature Reserve in 2013. The result showed that the wetland ecological vulnerability of Honghe Nature Reserve in 2013 was in a potential vulnerability degree with a fine quality of the ecological environment, which was closely related to the implementation of governmental policy and the protection consciousness of local people.


