Soil Acidification and Its Improvement of Tea Gardens in Jiangxi
摘要: 为全面摸清江西茶园土壤酸化现状,为政府部门宏观决策提供科学依据,文章调查了江西18个茶叶生产县203个代表性茶园的土壤pH,通过统计分析得出:江西茶园土壤pH整体水平较酸,平均为4.65,最高为6.95,最低为3.51,其中低于4.5的强酸性土壤占样本数的43%;各个县的酸度情况根据pH高低划分了五类,其中星子县属于茶树生长最适酸度区域,修水、铜鼓、南昌等9个县属于重度酸化区域。变异特征表现为时间上随着茶园种植年限的延长,土壤pH呈缓慢下降趋势,但下降的速度因土壤类型的不同表现出不同的差异,空间上无明显特征。科学平衡施肥、施用土壤改良剂和合理耕作能够遏制土壤酸化趋势。Abstract: In order to fully understand the soil acidification of tea gardens in Jiangxi and provide scientific foundation for governmental policy-decision makers, an investigation of tea garden soil pH from 203 representative samples was conducted in 18 tea production counties. The results showed that, the soil pH of tea gardens in Jiangxi was in an average of 4.65, with the highest pH of 6.95 and the lowest pH of 3.51. The acidic soil samples with pH less than 4.5 accounted for 43% of the total. Based on pH value, 18 tea production counties were divided into five types of soils. The area with optimal soil pH for tea growth was Xingzi county, and areas with over acidification were Xiushui, Tonggu, Nanchang and other 6 counties. Temporally, soil pH decreased slowly with an increase of tea planting time, and the decreasing rate was varied with soil types; while soil pH was with little change spatially.