
Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Monitoring on Heavy Metal Contaminated Farmland

  • 摘要: 近年来我国农田重金属污染日趋严重,给农作物和人体健康带来巨大危害,对农田重金属定性和定量监测十分必要。高光谱遥感具有波段多、连续和分辨率高的特点,可以动态监测农田重金属分布信息,为快速了解农田土壤重金属含量提供新途径。本文重点阐述土壤/植被重金属高光谱遥感的机理、影响因子、光谱特征以及相关预测模型,分析了目前重金属高光谱遥感技术存在的问题,并对其进行了展望。


    Abstract: In recent decades, heavy metal pollution in farmland has become more and more serious in our country, which exposes great detrimental effects on crop production and people's health. It's essentially necessary to monitor heavy metal in farmland soil qualitatively and quantitatively. Hyperspectral remote sensing has many characteristics, such as multiband, continuity and high resolution. It provides a new way for understanding the content of heavy metal in farmland soil rapidly and accurately. This paper focused on mechanism, impact factor, spectral characteristics and prediction model of hyperspectral remote sensing. The current limitations and expectations of hyperspectral remote sensing technology were also proposed.


