
Effect of Different Fertilizations on Rape Seedling Growth in A Rice-Rape Rotation

  • 摘要: 采用大田和盆栽试验方法,选取肥力一般的水稻土进行油菜栽培,研究了水稻-油菜轮作下施用不同元素肥料对油菜苗期生长的影响。结果表明,单施N肥和综合施肥油菜苗期的根系和叶片的生长状况要优于单施P肥和单施K肥。单施肥处理的根冠比低于综合施肥和不施肥对照处理,单施P肥和K肥对油菜苗期根系生长影响较小,对叶片有一定的促长作用。油菜苗期植株中茎叶N、P、K含量高于根系,施用N肥和P肥油菜叶片中相应元素含量显著增高,而施用K肥可显著提高根系中钾素含量。


    Abstract: Selecting a common paddy soil to plant rape in field and pot experiments, we studied the effect of different fertilizations on rape seedling growth in a rice-rape rotation. The results showed that the root and leaf growth with application of N or NPK treatment was better than those with application of P or K treatment, respectively. The root-shoot ratio with application of N, P, or K treatment was lower than those with application of NPK treatment or CK, respectively. The application of P or K would benefit to rape leaf growth rather than to rape root growth. As the treatment was with application of N, P, or K, the content of N, P or K in rape stem was higher than that in rape root, respectively. Application of N or P treatment significantly increased N or P content in rape leaf, while application of K treatment significantly increased K content in rape root, respectively.


