
Effects of Long-term Fertilization and Straw Return on Diversity Indices of AMF and Bacteria in Maize Rhizosphere

  • 摘要: 玉米为中国东北地区主要农作物之一,其产量对中国农牧业具有重要影响。本文在30年玉米长期定位试验田开展,研究了不同化肥和秸秆还田对玉米土壤部分理化指标及玉米根相关AMF和细菌的丰富度和多样性Shannon指数的影响。结果表明长期不同施肥处理和玉米秸秆还田对土壤pH、有机质、碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾和总氮具有显著的影响,秸秆还田可以显著提高土壤有机质含量,其他指标也有一定的变化;相同施肥情况下,秸秆还田组可以显著提高根部相关细菌、AMF菌的丰富度和Shannon指数,其中在施用磷肥的情况下,秸秆还田组细菌Shannon指数提高27.9%,丰富度高63.6%,AMF菌丰富度高40.1%,Shannon指数高35.7%;土壤不同理化特性影响着AMF、细菌的丰富度和Shannon指数,其中有机质与根部细菌、AMF的丰富度和Shannon指数的相关性在0.7~0.9之间,相关性显著(p<0.05),碱解氮与根部微生物的相关性也是0.7~0.9之间,相关性检验显著(p<0.05)。


    Abstract: Maize is a major crop in northeastern China, and its production plays an important role in animal husbandry of China. In this paper, a 30-year long-term corn field experiment was investigated to study the effect of fertilization and straw return on chemical and physical properties and the diversity indices of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi(AMF) and bacteria in maize rhizosphere soil. The results showed that, addition of straw return had effects on soil chemical and physical properties, and significantly improved organic matter content in particular. Compared with chemical fertilization, treatment with addition of straw return significantly increased Shannon index and abundance of AMF and bacteria. P fertilization plus straw return, increased Shannon index and abundance of bacteria by 27.9% and 63.6%, and those of AMF increased by 35.7% and 40.1%, respectively. Soil chemical and physical properties were closely correlated to Shannon index and abundance of AMF as well as bacteria, and organic matter content and available nitrogen were significantly correlated with Shannon index and abundance of AMF and bacteria in a range 0.7~0.9 at 0.05 level, respectively.


