
Retrospect of contour bund for soil and water conservation

  • 摘要: 地埂技术是一项主要应用于亚洲、非洲防止水土流失的古老的治坡工程技术。至今仍在一些发展中国家的坡耕地农业生产中发挥着保水保土的重要作用。本文回顾了该项技术的应用和研究历史,梳理了国内外地埂及与地埂相关技术的概念,介绍了地埂相关技术在世界范围内的研究及应用情况,评价了地埂及植物固结地埂的保水、保土功能和生态功能,讨论了地埂技术的应用前景,对地埂技术在我国尤其东北黑土区的推广和改进升级具有重要意义。


    Abstract: Contour bunds is an indigenous mechanical measure for soil and water conservation mainly used in Asia and Africa.It still plays an important role in the agricultural production of slope cultivated land in some developing countries.This paper reviewed the brief history of contour bund application and research, discussed the concepts of coutour bund and other related technologies at home and abroad, introduced the research and application of contour bund and its related technologies in the world, evaluated function in the soil and water conservationand and ecological function of contour bund and vegetated bund.The application of contour bund is discussed.It will help in the extension of the technology in China, especially in the black soil area of northeasten China.


