
Effect of covering chemical weeding film in maize field on growth and development of following winter wheat

  • 摘要: 化学除草地膜在全膜双垄沟播玉米田的推广应用是有效解决当茬玉米田草害问题和显著提高生产效率的新途径,但除草剂在土壤中的残留对后茬冬小麦的安全性尚不明确,为了探明其作用效应,本研究在甘肃省陇东旱塬区,分别设置了在覆盖化学除草地膜和覆盖白色地膜的全膜双垄沟播玉米田同期种植后茬露地冬小麦2个处理,比较研究了覆盖化学除草地膜对后茬冬小麦出苗、株高、分蘖、生物量、穗部性状及产量的影响。结果表明:全膜双垄沟播玉米田覆盖化学除草地膜,其后茬冬小麦的出苗率、株高、分蘖数、根部干重、地上部干重、根冠比、有效穗数、穗粒数及籽粒产量等与覆盖白色地膜处理的差异不显著,而籽粒千粒重较覆盖白色地膜处理有显著增加,增加幅度1.6 g。可见,全膜双垄沟播玉米田覆盖化学除草地膜,对后茬冬小麦的生长发育没有产生显著的不利影响。


    Abstract: Application of chemical weeding film in maize field with whole mulching on double ridges was a newly effective way to solve weeds problem and significantly improve the production efficiency.However, the safety of herbicide residues in soil was not clear for following winter wheat.To understand the effects of chemical weeding film on the seedling emergence, plant height, tiller, biomass, ear characters and yield of following winter wheat, a field experiment, covering chemical weeding film and covering plastic film in maize field with whole mulching on double ridge, was conducted in an arid area of Longdong, Gansu Province.The result showed that, compared with covering plastic film, covering chemical weeding film was not significantly different in seedling emergence rate, plant height, tiller number, dry root weight, dry shoot weight, root-shoot ratio, productive panicle number, grain number per spike and grain yield in following winter wheat, while 1000-grain weight was significantly different with an increase of 1.6 g.Therefore, covering chemical weeding film in maize field with whole mulching on double ridges had no effect on the development of following winter wheat.


