Influences of row spacing and weather conditions on warming effectiveness of open-top chambers during grain-filling stage in maize
摘要: 气候变暖对作物生产系统影响显著,利用OTCs增温装置模拟农作物对气候变暖的响应是气候变化和农业生态领域的研究热点。作物生产系统在不同种植垄距下存在一定的水热交换差异,探明OTCs在不同垄距下的增温效果,尤其是在不同天气状况下的增温效果对分析作物生产系统响应气候变暖具有重要意义。本文在玉米灌浆期利用OTCs在黑龙江省海伦市野外田间开展了相同种植密度下垄距为55 cm、60 cm、65 cm和70 cm的模拟增温试验,利用Savitzky-Golay法和积分法定量分析了不同垄距,尤其是不同天气状况下,玉米OTCs冠层内外日温度变化特征和OTCs的增温幅度、增温时长和增温强度。研究发现,该装置能够使各垄距玉米冠层温度升高,65 cm垄距的增温时长最长,增温强度最大,升温最为明显。就增温幅度而言,55 cm垄距最大,65 cm垄距次之。不同天气状况下,晴天的增温幅度和增温强度最大,多云次之,雨天最小;但是,雨天天气下的增温时长最长。总之,不同垄距和天气状况显著影响OTCs装置的增温效果,垄距65 cm的增温效果最优,且晴天和多云天气下增温效果优于雨天。Abstract: Climate warming has a significant effect on the cropping systems.Open-top chambers (OTCs) has become a popular warming device to simulate the response of crops to warming, which is one of hotspots in the fields of climate change and agroecology.Water and heat exchange in crop systems varies with field ridge distance, especially under different weather conditions.To figure out the OTCs warming effectiveness among different ridge distance under different weather conditions is of great significance to study the response of cropland to climate warming, but few reports have been well done.Therefore, a field experiment was conducted at Hailun county to simulate OTCs warming effect of the maize system in row spacing of 55 cm, 60 cm, 65 cm and 70 cm with the same seeding density during grain-filling stage, respectively.Savitzky-Golay and accumulation integration were used to analyze the differences in daily canopy temperature inside and outside OTCs.The warming effectiveness of OTCs was measured by three indicators, including amplitude of temperature increase, length of temperature increase and intensity of temperature increase among the treatments.The results showed that the canopy temperature in all row spacing treatments increased when OTCs was used in maize system, and the canopy temperature under row spacing of 65cm increased significantly.Compared with the other treatments, the row spacing of 65cm had the longest duration of temperature increase and the largest intensity of temperature increase.In terms of amplitude of temperature increase, row spacing of 55 cm treatment had larger values than that of 65cm treatment.Both amplitude and intensity of temperature increase were higher during clear days, while lower during the cloudy days.The rainy days had the longest length of temperature increase, while the lowest amplitude and intensity of temperature increase.In conclusion, the results indicated that different row spacing treatments and weather conditions significantly affected the warming effectiveness of the OTCs in maize systems, and the row spacing of 65cm was the best option for temperature increase.