Gully erosion: Diversity,processes and prospects
摘要: 沟道侵蚀是最受关注的具有普遍性、紧迫性和复杂性的世界性环境问题,也是土地退化的主要过程及最严重的表现形式,沟道侵蚀发生发展过程对现代地貌发育及演化过程有着重要的影响。本文简要回顾了世界沟道侵蚀研究的历史,介绍了国内外沟道侵蚀的分类差异及其多样性,重点评述了沟道侵蚀发生过程、影响因素及其临界条件相关的国内外研究进展,并对今后需要探讨的问题予以展望,提出了需要进一步加强和明确的10方面建议。Abstract: Gully erosion is a worldwide environmental issue with urgency, generality and complexity, which is a most concerned phenomenon and has been recognized as a major land degradation process with most serious landform performances.The initiation and developmental processes of gully erosion have significant influences on contemporary topographical development and evolution.This paper reviews the brief history of gully erosion research, and introduces the diversity and classification differences of gully erosion worldwide.The advances in processes, influencing factors and critical conditions of gully erosion are summarized.Ten aspects of research avenues to be addressed in the future are prospected and highlighted.