
Responses of soil organic matter and nutrients contents to corn stalk incorporated into different soil depths

  • 摘要: 秸秆还田是提升土壤肥力的重要措施之一,还田深度是影响还田效果的重要因素。本文以黑土为研究对象,分析了连续3年等量秸秆混入不同深度土层对土壤有机质及养分含量的影响。试验包括4个秸秆混合还田深度,0~15 cm (D15S),0~20 cm (D20S),0~35 cm (D35S)和0~50 cm (D50S),秸秆还田量均为10 000 kg·hm-2。研究结果表明等量秸秆混入不同深度土层,导致不同处理秸秆在土壤中的含量(SC)在1.68~6.06 g·kg-1之间,随着秸秆混入土层深度的增加SC值逐渐减小;秸秆混合还田增加了相应土层土壤有机质含量,与D15S处理相比,D20S、D35S和D50S处理土壤有机质增加量分别降低了27.3%,48.4%和67.8%,但是秸秆的有机质转化率在D35S处理达到了最大值,与D15S、D20S和D50S相比分别增加了28.6%,32.6%和17.5%,不同处理土壤有机质增加的总量表现为D35S>D50S>D15S>D20S,土壤轻组有机碳总量表现出相似的趋势;等量秸秆混入不同深度土层没有显著增加相应土层全量养分的含量,但是显著增加了速效养分含量(P<0.05),与初始值相比,D15S、D20S、D35S和D50S处理土壤碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾含量分别提高了7.17%~20.6%、9.16%~38.2%和12.6%~43.7%,其中土壤速效养分增加率在D35S处理达到了最大值,说明秸秆深混还田能够促进养分在土壤深层的积累,增加全层土壤养分的供给能力。因此,建议研究区域秸秆混合还田的深度为0~35 cm,提高秸秆混合还田对土壤肥力的贡献,实现黑土地保护。


    Abstract: Straw incorporation is one of the important practices in increasing soil fertility, which is impacted by the depth of straw incorporation.The effect of corn stalk incorporated into different black soil depths on soil organic matter(SOM) and nutrient content was tested in this study based on a three-year field experiment.Four treatments were designed as follows:the corn stalk amount of 10 000 kg·hm-2 was incorporated into 0-15 cm(D15S), 0-20 cm(D20S), 0-35 cm(D35S) and 0-50 cm(D50S) soil depths, respectively.The results showed that contents of stalk in soil(SC) ranged from 1.68 g·kg-1to 6.06 g·kg-1, with an increasing trend of D15S>D20S>D35S>D50S.Stalk incorporation increased SOM in a given soil layer, compared with D15S treatment, and SOM contents in D20S, D35S and D50S treatments decreased by 27.3%, 48.4% and 67.8%, while the ratio of stalk converted to SOM reached a largest value in D35S treatment and increased by 28.6%, 32.6% and 17.5%, compared with D15S, D20S and D50S treatments, respectively; the increased amount of SOM in whole soil layers from different treatments showed an increasing trend of D35S>D50S>D15S>D20S; and soil light fraction organic carbon showed the similar trend as SOM.Soil total nutrient contents were not impacted by stalk incorporation, but soil available nutrient contents were impacted significantly(P<0.05).Compared with initial values, the contents of soil available nitrogen, available phosphorous and available potassium increased by 7.17%-20.6%, 9.16%-38.2% and 12.6%-43.7%, respectively; the greatest increase ratio in D35S indicated that more soil nutrients were cumulated in deep soil by deep straw incorporation, which increased the supply of soil nutrients.Therefore, we suggest that the optimum depth of corn stalk incorporated in soil would be 0-35 cm soil depth, which would increase the contribution of stalk incorporation to soil fertility, and realize black soil protection.


