
Progress of plant hemoglobin gene's function

  • 摘要: 血红蛋白在生物界中普遍存在,其在植物根瘤固氮、胚胎发生及抗逆胁迫等方面具有重要作用。近年来,关于植物血红蛋白分类及其所参与的植物细胞命运决定等基因调控途径方面的研究相当活跃。本文介绍了植物血红蛋白的新命名体系,综述了植物共生血红蛋白(sHb)、非共生血红蛋白(nsHb)和截短血红蛋白(tHb)功能研究的最新研究成果,评述了植物血红蛋白调控胚胎发育及抗逆胁迫的功能作用,以期全面阐明植物血红蛋白分子作用机制的进展。


    Abstract: Hemoglobins exist throughout the organism kingdom, plant hemoglobin plays critical roles in plant nitrogen fixation, embryogenesis and defense responses.In recent years, research on plant hemoglobin classification and its nwe function of plant cell fate determination in gene regulation pathway is quite active.In this paper, we introduced new nomenclature system of plant hemoglobin, and reviewed the latest research achievements of symbiotic hemoglobin (sHb), non-symbiotic hemoglobin (nsHb) and truncated hemoglobin(tHb);which would help to comprehensively elucidate the molecular mechanism of plant hemoglobin.


