
Research progress on the Heading Date of rice in Northeast China

  • 摘要: 水稻抽穗期是指水稻从播种到抽穗(开花)所经历的时间,它是决定水稻产量和区域适应性的重要农艺性状之一。水稻抽穗期的数量性状很复杂,受内源多基因及外源多因素调控。本文介绍了水稻中2条保守的抽穗期调控途径,论述了各抽穗期基因间相互调控关系,并重点阐述了调控东北地区水稻抽穗期的主效基因和微效基因以及东北地区水稻中不同抽穗期基因的单体类型,同时解析了不同基因型组合形式对东北水稻区域分布的决定性作用,并探讨了通过基因编辑手段,对抽穗期抑制基因进行定点突变,缩短品种熟期,扩大优良品种种植面积,旨为从南方引进新水稻种质资源提供理论和实践指导。此外,针对目前东北地区水稻育种的现状,对分子设计育种与常规育种相结合的技术方式进行了展望。


    Abstract: Rice heading date(HD) refers to the time from sowing to heading(flowering).HD is one of the most important factors determining rice distribution and grain yield.HD, as a complex quantitative trait, is controlled by a number of genes and diverse environmental factors.In this review, we introduce two conserved flowering pathway, and the complex interaction among various HD genes in rice.We mainly describe the major and minor effect HD genes which control the rice distribution in Northeast China, and diverse haplotypes of each HD gene.We highlight that combination of different haplotype of multiple HD genes determine the rice distribution in Northeast China.In addition, we describe a CRISPR/cas9-mediated breeding technique by which the HD of cultivar can be efficiently shortened by mutating the heading date repressors genes, and adapted growth region of elite cultivar can move northward and planting area will be increased, simultaneously.This technique will facilitate to introduce new rice germplasms from South China to Northeast China.Based on the current situation of rice breeding and production in Northeast China, we propose to strengthen improving rice quality and increasing growth area by combining molecular design breeding and conventional breeding in future.


