
A review and prospect of the research progress of the group of molecular ecology of farmland during the past 10 years

  • 摘要: 农田分子生态学科组是东北地理与农业生态研究所从事农业生态研究的单元之一。值此东北地理所建所60周年之际,本文回顾了该学科组近10年来的研究工作,对结果进行梳理总结,对未来的研究方向进行展望,以期激励鞭策我们更好地做好科研工作,继续为黑土区农业健康发展做出贡献。


    Abstract: The research group of molecular ecology of farmland is one of the units engaged in the study of agricultural ecology in Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, CAS.Taking the opportunity of 60-year anniversary of the founding of Institute, the research progresses of this research group during the past 10 years were reviewed and the main findings were summarized in this paper.In addition, at the end of this paper the future research orientations were prospected.Through this way, we hope to spur our research motivation and continuously make contributions for the development of healthy agriculture in the black soil region.


