
Effects of different nitrogen application rates on spring maize yield and nitrogen fertilizer utilization efficiency under straw cover

  • 摘要: 以秸秆还田试验为研究平台,探讨玉米秸秆覆盖下配施不同水平氮肥对春玉米产量及氮肥利用效率的影响,明确农田黑土玉米秸秆覆盖下春玉米产量与氮肥施用量的关系。试验以秸秆覆盖(不覆盖、秸秆覆盖)为主区,不同氮肥水平(纯N)(0、135 kg·hm-2、180 kg·hm-2、225 kg·hm-2)为副区,测定了春玉米的产量及氮肥利用效率。研究结果表明:在施氮量(纯N)(0~180 kg·hm-2)较低时,与无秸秆覆盖各处理相比,秸秆覆盖降低了春玉米的株高(2.71%~6.55%)、穗长(4.26%~10.1%)、穗粗(3.92%~7.74%)和百粒重(0.67%~1.68%),导致春玉米产量降低(4.30~11.0%,P<0.05)。在施氮量较高(纯N)(225 kg·hm-2)时,与无秸秆覆盖相比,秸秆覆盖增加了春玉米的株高6.41%、穗长6.38%、穗粗5.67%和百粒重4.29%,提高了春玉米的产量6.82%(P<0.05)。秸秆覆盖下春玉米产量与施氮量之间呈正相关关系,即春玉米产量及产量构成因子随着施氮量的增加而增加。在秸秆覆盖下,春玉米氮肥农学利用效率表现出随施氮量的增加而递增的趋势,偏生产力随着施氮量的增加而呈递减的趋势,说明秸秆覆盖后春玉米产量、氮肥利用效率增加效应与施氮量关系密切,在4个氮肥水平中,以(纯N)225 kg·hm-2施氮量配合秸秆覆盖方式实际运用的价值较高。


    Abstract: This study, based on the Experiment of Straw Return, aimed to examine the effects of different nitrogen application rates on spring maize yield and nitrogen fertilizer utilization efficiency under straw cover, and defined the relationships between spring maize yield and nitrogen fertilizer application rates.In the experiment, straw cover was regarded as main plots and different amounts of nitrogen fertilizer, i.e.0, 135, 180 and 225 kg·hm-2, were regarded as subplots.The production of spring maize and nitrogen fertilizer utilization efficiency were determined after harvest.The results showed that straw cover decreased plant height(2.71%-6.55%), cob length(4.26%-10.1%), cob diameter(3.92%-7.74%) and 100-grain weight(0.67%-1.68%) in 0, 135 and 180 kg·hm-2 plots, thus resulting in a decrease of maize yield from 4.30%-11.0%(P<0.05).However, straw cover increased plant height by 6.41%, cob length by 6.38%, cob diameter by 5.67% and 100-grain weight by 4.29% in 225 kg·hm-2 plots, respectively, thus resulting in an increase of maize yield by 6.82%(P<0.05).Spring maize yield was positively correlated with the nitrogen fertilizer application rate in plots with straw cover, i.e.both yield and yield components increased with the increasing nitrogen fertilizer application rate.With straw cover, both nitrogen agronomy use efficiency and nitrogen partial factor productivity decreased with the increasing nitrogen application rate, indicating that the enhancing effect on maize yield and nitrogen utilization efficiency brought by straw cover was associated with nitrogen application rate.Among the 4 nitrogen fertilizer application rates, 225 kg·hm-2 combined with straw cover was the most practical way in agriculture practice.


