
Current situation of ecological environment quality and countermeasures in China's farmland

  • 摘要: 农业是国民经济的基础,保障国家粮食安全和农产品安全是建设现代农业的首要任务。然而,随着我国经济的快速发展,工业化、城市化步伐加快,耕地被占用,耕地用养失调及化肥和农药等化工产品过量使用,导致农田面积减少,耕层土壤变薄,土壤有机质含量降低,土壤养分不均衡,水土流失加剧,部分地区土壤重金属污染和酸化加重,土壤退化和污染加速,农田生态环境质量呈恶化趋势,威胁我国农产品安全和人民健康。我国不同地区经济发展不均衡一定程度上导致了农田生态环境质量的不均衡。本文评述了我国农田生态环境质量现状及成因,分析了我国农田生态环境质量发展趋势,为尽快实现我国农田生态环境质量改善目标,从6个方面提出了应采取的建议。


    Abstract: Agriculture is the basis of national economy.Ensuring national food security and agricultural products safety is the primary task for building modern agriculture.However, with the rapid development of China's economy and the acceleration of industrialization and urbanization, many cultivated lands have been occupied, with poor management and overuse of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and other chemical products, which results in thinning soil plough layer, decreasing soil organic matter, non-balanced soil nutrients, serious soil and water erosion, aggravating soil acidification and heavy metal pollution in some areas, and accelerating soil degradation and pollution.The ecological environment quality of farmland is deteriorating, threatening agricultural product safety and people's health.The disproportionate economic development in different regions of China further result in unbalance of the quality of farmland ecological environment in different regions.This paper discussed the current situation of ecological environment quality in China's farmland and responsible reasons, and analyzed its developing trend.Strategies and approaches to realize the improvement targets for ecological environment quality of China's farmland were proposed from six aspects.


