
Effects of fertilization on soil enzyme activities of arable black soil profiles under soybean-maize rotation system

  • 摘要: 在大豆-玉米轮作条件下,研究了连续4年不同施肥处理(无肥、化肥、化肥配施有机肥和化肥配施加倍有机肥)对农田黑土剖面土壤酶活性分布的影响。结果表明,过氧化氢酶活性和蔗糖酶活性随土层深度增加而降低,施化肥会降低各土层过氧化氢酶活性。在0~20 cm土层,有机肥施入(牛粪15 t·hm-2)能够缓解化肥对过氧化氢酶的抑制作用,但加倍施加有机肥(牛粪30 t·hm-2)对提高酶活性作用不明显。在0~30 cm土层,化肥和有机肥的施入会提高土壤蔗糖酶活性,但加倍施加有机肥引起蔗糖酶活性略有下降,这表明合理的化肥和有机肥配施有利于提高农田黑土0~30 cm土壤蔗糖酶活性。脲酶活性随土层深度增加呈单峰曲线分布,在30~40 cm土层脲酶活性达到最高值,在80 cm处酶活性降到最低。在0~20 cm土层,化肥和有机肥的施入会提高脲酶活性,加倍施用有机肥可以显著提高脲酶活性,而在20~80 cm土层,施肥对土壤脲酶活性的影响逐渐降低。


    Abstract: The impact of fertilizer regimes on soil catalase, invertase and urease activities of arable black soil profiles under soybean-maize rotation systems in Heilongjiang province was studied.Four different fertilizer treatments were established in 2011 with NoF(no fertilizer), CF(chemical fertilizers), CF+M(chemical fertilizers plus maunre) and CF+2M(chemical fertilizers plus double maunre).The results showed that the catalase activities declined from the soil surface to the deeper soil layers.The applied fertilizer reduced the catalase activities regardless the soil layers.CF had the lowest catalase activities, while CF+M and CF+2M alleviated the inhibition effect of CF on catalase activities in the soil layer of 0-20 cm, but there were no significant differences between CF+M and CF+2M.The invertase activities also declined from the soil surface to the deeper soil layers.Although in the soil layer of 0-30 cm, the fertilizer treatments had higher invertase activities compared with NoF, the effect of CF+2M on the increase of invertase activities was less than CF+M, which indicated that the application of chemical fertilizers plus suitable manure could balance the soil nutrient and effectively increases invertase activities.The urease activities showed a "A" distribution in the soil profile, with the urease activities increased from the soil layer 0-40 cm, then decreased after that and finally reached the lowest values at the soil layer 70-80 cm.In the soil layer of 0-20 cm, the urease activities among the four treatments showed the order as:CF+2M>CF+M>CF>NoF, while in the soil layer of 20-80 cm, the effect of fertilizer on soil urease activities was not obvious.


