
A review of salt tolerance in soybean (Glycine max(L.) Merill)

  • 摘要: 大豆是重要的粮食和经济作物。盐害作为主要非生物胁迫之一,对大豆的生长、结瘤、农艺性状、种子品质和籽粒数造成负面影响,最终会降低大豆的产量。了解盐害对大豆生产造成的具体影响,能够帮助育种工作者在耐盐育种时进行针对性精确耐盐表型选择。分子标记辅助选择育种是一种高效的育种方法,可促进大豆耐盐品种育种进程;而从基因组水平上了解大豆耐盐相关机制,则为"组装"耐盐基因,培育耐盐大豆新品种提供参考依据。本文总结了盐害对大豆生长发育造成的具体影响,介绍了大豆耐盐相关性状的分子遗传研究以及大豆耐盐相关离子转运蛋白基因及其耐盐机制,以期为耐盐大豆新品种的选育及加速大豆耐盐精确育种进程提供一定的参考。


    Abstract: Soybean is an important grain and oil crop.Salt stress imposes negative impacts on growth, nodulation, agronomic traits, seed quality and seed number, and reduces the yield of soybean as a result.Understanding the effect of salt stress on soybean growth and development can help breeders, based on pertinency, select a precise phenotype in salt tolerant breeding.Molecular marker assisted selection (MAS) is an efficient breeding method, which can promote the salt-tolerance breeding process in soybean.Furthermore, understanding the mechanism of salt tolerance at the gene level in soybean provides the reference for the "assembly" of salt tolerant genes and the cultivation of salt tolerant varieties.This paper reviewed the effect of salt stress on soybean growth and development, introduced molecular genetic researches of salt tolerance, and salt tolerant genes and mechanisms of ion-channel in soybean, which would provide the valuable reference for salt -tolerance breeding of soybean as well as a theoretical basis for accelerating the precise salt-tolerance breeding of soybean.


