
Temporal-spatial changes of planting structure from main grain crops in Northeast China

  • 摘要: 在农业供给侧结构性改革背景下,明确区域种植结构时空变化过程,可为东北地区种植结构的调整及优化提供科学依据。采用2005-2015年东北地区40个市/盟主要粮食作物播种面积数据,运用数理统计方法,根据主要作物种植面积比重以及作物组合状况,划分主要作物种植结构类型,进而分析东北地区主要粮食作物种植结构时空变化。结果表明:(1)2005-2015年东北地区粮食作物播种面积持续扩大,其中,大豆播种面积及其占粮食作物总播种面积的比重均呈现"上升-下降"趋势,玉米和水稻播种面积稳定上升,水稻占粮食作物总播种面积比重在2011年超过大豆;(2)种植结构类型共出现8种,以作物主导型为主。其中,玉米主导型和水稻主导型地区数量增加,大豆主导型地区数量减少;(3)玉米主导型地区分布最广,由辽宁省、吉林省向黑龙江省中部和东部地区扩散,大豆主导型萎缩至大、小兴安岭地区。种植结构类型单一化趋势明显,黑龙江省中部和东部地区、吉林省东部地区及内蒙古自治区呼伦贝尔市种植结构类型向玉米转变。


    Abstract: With the agricultural supply-side reform, the research on reasonable temporal-spatial change of cropping patterns at regional scale will provide guideline for adjusting and optimizing crop structure in Northeast China.Based on the planting acreage data from main crops at city/league level from 2005 to 2015, we used mathematical statistics to examine cropping types by the acreage proportion and their combination, thus made an analysis on temporal-spatial change of main grain crop structure in Northeast China.The results showed that:(1) The total grain sown area kept increasing in Northeast China from 2005 to 2015, both the seeding area and proportion of soybean experienced a wave of "ascent-descent", while the seeding areas and proportions in maize and rice steadily expanded and that of rice exceeded soybean in 2011.(2) We found 8 cropping types in Northeast, which gave a priority to dominant-crop type; the number of the dominant maize and rice types kept increasing while that of the dominant soybean decreased.(3) The dominant maize area widely spread from Liaoning province and Jilin province to the center and east of Heilongjiang province while the dominant soybean area narrowed to Xing'an Mountains regions.Therefore, the crop structure obviously transferred to maize, which happened in the center and east of Heilongjiang province, eastern Jilin province and Hulunbuir of Inner Mongolia.


