
Analyzation of forage breeding research between China and foreign regions

  • 摘要: 饲草作为家畜饲料而被广泛栽培。广义的饲草包括青饲料和作物。饲草生产是我国畜牧业发展必不可少的环节,其在很大程度上受到品种的制约与限制。饲草育种作为改善这一方向的核心手段与方法极大地影响着我国饲草生产以及畜牧业的发展。目前我国正大力进行粮改饲政策的推广与实施,在这一背景下,饲草品种的改良与良种选育在畜牧业发展中所起到的作用更加凸显。本文简要回顾了我国饲草育种工作,综述了我国饲草育种工作中存在的问题,并分析了我国与世界主要饲草生产及畜牧业发达国家在饲草育种方面的优势与不足。对饲草育种过程中所涉及的种质资源、育种方法及新品种的选育进行了介绍,并提出在种质资源收集及育种方法创新上的建议。


    Abstract: Forage, including crops for silage and hay, has been widely cultivated as livestock feed.Forage production, mostly restricted to varieties, has been an important element in the development of animal husbandry.Forage breeding, as the core method and measure, greatly influenced the forage production and the development of animal husbandry in China.In China today, the improvement and breeding of forage varieties has become more and more important because policy concerning the planting pattern transition from grain crops to feed crops is promoted and implemented.In this paper, we described the history and the problem of forage breeding in China.We also compared the advantage and disadvantage of forage breeding in China with those in the developed countries.We finally introduced the germplasm resources, breeding methods and new varieties breeding; and put forward some suggestions on germplasm resources collection and breeding methods innovation.


