
Responses of quality-related traits of fresh corn to planting density in black soil region of central Jilin Province

  • 摘要: 采用田间试验,研究了3个甜玉米品种520、脆王(CW)和黄白粒(HB)的产量、商品品质、食用品质以及部分营养品质对种植密度的响应。结果表明:鲜食玉米的皮渣率、鲜穗重和出籽率受品种(V)、种植密度(D)以及两者交互作用(D×V)的影响显著,而籽粒中蔗糖、麦芽糖和可溶性总糖显著受品种(V)以及种植密度(D)的影响。3个品种鲜籽粒产量均在种植密度为5.5万株·hm-2时最高,且CW产量最高,其次是520与HB,产量分别为13 556 kg·hm-2、13 416 kg·hm-2与12 484 kg·hm-2;种皮厚度主要受品种影响,密度对种皮厚度无显著影响,3个品种中,CW的种皮厚度最小平均为76.2 μm,HB最大平均为87.0 μm;皮渣率主要受品种影响,也受种植密度影响,品种CW皮渣率最低为8.03%。随着种植密度的增加,鲜食玉米的鲜穗重等商品品质、可溶性总糖等营养成分含量均呈降低趋势,皮渣率有不同程度的增加。因此,合理密植是协调鲜食玉米产量与品质的重要农艺措施。吉林省中部黑土区鲜食玉米品种CW推荐种植密度4.5~5.5万株·hm-2,品种520与HB推荐种植密度5.5~6.0万株·hm-2


    Abstract: In order to examine the responses of quality-related traits including commodity quality, edibility quality and nutrition quality to planting density in fresh corn, we selected 3 fresh corn varieties -520, Cuiwang(CW) and Huangbaili(HB), to conduct a field experiment in black soil region of central Jilin Province.The results showed that the residue ratio(RR), fresh ear weight(FEW) and seed feeding rate(SFR) were significantly influenced by varieties(V), planting density(D), and their interactions; while sucrose content, maltose content and total soluble sugar(TSS) were significantly affected by V and D.All three varieties with planting densities of 55 000 plants·hm-2 obtained the highest fresh grain yield, and the yield was in an order of 13 556 kg·hm-2(CW), 13 416 kg·hm-2(520) and 12 484 kg·hm-2(HB).Pericarp thickness(PT) was mainly influenced by V while little affected by D, with the lowest PT in CW(76.2 μm) and the highest PT in HB(87.0 μm).RR was mainly affected by V and then by D, with the lowest rate of RR in CW(8.03%) and the best taste.With increasing D, FEW and TSS showed a decreasing trend, while SFR showed an increasing trend.Therefore, a reasonable planting density would be an essential practice to balance the yield and quality of fresh corns, and the recommended planting densities for CW, and 520 and HB in black soil region of central Jilin Province are 45-55 thousands plants·hm-2 and 55-60 thousands plants·hm-2 respectively.


